Update From Evap Lines, or So I thought 🤔UPDATE!!! Betas doubled pregnant with my rainbow baby

Alexus • After 7 miscarriages & slightly complicated pregnancy my first baby has made it to the world born April 3,2017 6lbs 4oz. Ayden Joshua 💛 & Ashton Franklin 11/11/18 💚
So I started testing last week at 8dpo was seeing some light lines couldn't figure it out started to get depressed and some more stuff, I got a beta at 8dpo and it was at 3.4, P4 (progesterone) 20.6 & Estradiol at 126. Nurse said slightly positive and I didn't think she was right. On 10 dpo went for beta and haven't heard back yet. (10 dpo was Friday). So I spent the weekend with hubby and we got some test on Sunday (yesterday) and I convinced myself to wait a few more days. Just in case AF is coming, however  I'm on medication, progesterone & baby aspirin so due t the progesterone I won't get AF. I emptied my bladder at 10:15 pm tonight went to sleep. For some reason woke up at 3:30 having to pee and had a slight stomach ache. I tried to hold until the morning but I had to go so bad. I grabbed a test and took it with and peed on the stick.. & to my surprise I saw 2 lines which are deff not Evap. I'm so happy. Calling my RE in the morning to see if I need to do anything differently. Oh very important at 12dpo I was having the worst cramps felt like AF was here like right now so I really thought I was out. 5th pregnancy 4 miscarriages praying I get to meet my baby.🙏🏾💙👶🏽