Got my reading


I got my reading from eternal peace today, I feel so relieved.


*Your health and well being:

Six of Swords Reversed

Three of Pentacles

You may be experiencing a difficult time moving on from something that happened recently in your past. You might want to move on but your fears are holding you back and there are too many "what ifs".

The three of Pentacles suggests you are working very hard or diligently, not kissing a beat and paying close attention to the details. You might have researched heavily about your chances of conception and what you need to do to get pregnant very quickly.

In terms of physical fertility you might be experiencing some blocks, delays, or obstacles to conception. Perhaps there is an underlying reason and the problem is yet to be exposed.

*Your partners health and well being:

Ten of Wands


Your partner is working very hard. He is carrying a lot of weight on his shoulders and has many responsibilities. He may feel burdened or burnt out physically and emotionally. He's having a difficult time with moderation. This could be with a particular substance, such as alcohol, or it could be he is having a hard time balancing out the different areas of his life (instead of just focusing on work).

In terms of his physical health, something that he's doing repeatedly is affecting his sperm count (perhaps smoking?). He would do well to quit or cut back considerably.

*Advice for you based on the above:

Knight of Pentacles Reversed

This is telling you that action is needed now, and that it's time to stop procrastinating. You know what it is you need to do, now it's just about following through.

For improving your fertility I feel that you are needing to incorporate more fish into your diet, also getting more vitamin D is important. The best way to do this is to he out in the sun for at least 10 mins a day.

Improving your diet in general is going to reap big rewards here, so try incorporating more fresh raw fruits and veggies.

*Advice for him based on the above:

Knight of Wands

In addition to cutting out any addictive substances or bad habits, exercise is important for him. For his general well being he is needing to break out of the rut he's been in, and have more fun. Shake things up and get more energy and that passion for life back. A simple way to do this is to change one thing from his routine every day, even taking a different route to work sometimes can help shift perspective.

*When you are likely to become pregnant:

The Empress

Well THIS is good news!! The Empress is the card of pregnancy herself. It seems you could even be pregnant right now, or right away.

I'm also getting the fall season, so it could be around 10 weeks from now.

*How will pregnancy affect your life:

King of Pentacles Reversed

There might be a negative hit to your financial situation, so start putting money aside now just in case. You might also experience dealing with a stubborn man (perhaps could even be your OB)


The Sun


*Ultimate thing to consider before becoming pregnant:

The Fool

You definitely have great pregnancy cards here! This is showing a soul is ready to incarnate. It also indicates that you need to be open and ready for a complete change in your life with a lot of unexpected twists and turns. Take that leap into the unknown and trust the universe to take care of you now.