Moron for a husband

You think after being with someone for almost 8 years and a portion of that was from 18 until now, there would be some difference. 
I am so pissed off at the fact that he can't do a damn thing. I feel like I am always wearing the pants in the stupid relationship. He can't fix anything, he can't cook. All he's good for his sitting around and complaining. 
I am so mad right now I can't even see straight. 
There was nothing wrong with my car until he ran his his negativity in it. We've almost bought a house twice until he fucked it up both times. He was suppose to be a police officer, fucked that over by stopping running the last 5 min
I feel like I'm always by myself adulting, while he's bitching and acting like a child. 
I mean really who drives someone's car to their Drs appointment , when they know their car is messing up and over heating. Really. Who does that. And that said person has a perfectly running car. 
I'm 5 months from graduating Cos school, and 7 months away from having our 2nd child. 
And God forbid if he has to take me any where it always a big fucking deal, to take me to school to run me to work. For once it would be nice to know I don't have to constantly put on my big girl panties and figuring it out 
I really wish he would grow up. And actually think with his brain. That really needs to be used, maybe he might change the world.