Too much porn?

Is there such thing as watching too much porn. I watch it every other day. I'm 14 I want to stay innocent but it's probably too late for that lol😁. Anyway I feel like I watch too much porn, like can it effect my mind in any way? Like when I get my wisdom teeth out when I'm older and on the surgery drugs I feel like I'm going to say a bunch of sexual stuff😂😁😁which would be REALLY I don't know why I worry about that. Anyway how can porn effect your mind? And how much is too much, especially for a 14 year old. 
• (This is random to my question but I just felt like saying it) I started watching porn when I was 11, I felt really guilty and ashamed at the time. One day I was on my family computer, I always wondered why guys were so obsessed with boobs, guys at school, on tv etc. so I looked up 'boobs' on Google to try and figure out why, I clicked on image and said to myself "oh that's why"😂😂 it sounds really weird. Anyway the embarrassing part is as I said before it was on my family computer, and didn't know about 'Google history' so I obviously never deleted those searches, and everyday when my dad came home from work be would check the history to see how long me and my sister have been on...and when I got my own laptop I did is there but this rule I delete the history. But my laptop hot a virus so we took it too my dads cousins who was s computer whiz he was basically a hacker..he had EVERYONE in our towns Facebook password. Anyway I'm sure as he was fixing our laptop he seen all my saved images (😳idek why I saved those kind of pictures) and searches. Because he started like actions weird towards I just felt the vibe that he knew..and he would like stare at me during family gathering, not in a creep kinda way but in a 'I know what you've been doing' kinda way..and he would always ask me "what are you doing" when I would be on my phone...I'm sure he thought it was REALLYYY weird because for one I was a VERY quite and shy person, and I seemed innocent, I was besides the porn.. But like, your daughter probably watched it too soo🙄😒😒, that weird to say it's the truth. Has anyone else had embarrassing akward expirences like this?