Mixed emotions...(sorry this is so long)

Ok so this October will be 3 years for my fiancé and I. Lately I've been feeling like I don't have the same feelings for him that I did a few months ago. I've been questioning my love for him a lot lately, yet I can't stand the thought of anyone else falling asleep in his arms every night or him telling another he loves her and looks at her the way he does me. He honestly treats me so perfect! He treats me like a princess and I've never had that before...his family loves me and I love them and vise versa. We share so many interests and he's my best friend. But When I lay in bed at night my mind just wonders and I can't help but think "oh I wonder what it would be like to have a guy that blah blah blah" and I WOULD NEVER CHEAT ON HIM! EVER! Nor do I want to hurt him but I hate feeling like I'm missing out on something else 😫 can someone please give me some kind of idea on what I should do? And please don't be mean cause I'm really freaked out cause part of me knows I couldn't see myself with anyone else and then part of me wishes I could experience other things!