28 hours

Of contractions but not consistency! I'm 38 weeks 2 days and Yesterday at 2:45 my doc checked my cervix (4cm) and swept my membranes. Contractions started soon thereafter. They weren't close together, 8-10 minutes. Stayed that way all night- I was able to sleep from 9:30 to 2;00 when I woke back up to more painful contractions from 2:00 to 4:30, fell back to sleep and woke up at 5:30 to contractions continuing to come every 8-10 minute. Labor and delivery said "you can come in, but it doesn't sound like labor". Ok, I go on to work- contractions stay the same till 11:30am when they intensify in pain but still 7-8 or 9 minutes apart. I called my doc at 2:00pm and she told me to walk and see if they get closer together and f they did to come in. So I start walking and they get closer together- every 4-5 minutes. This is consistent for the next hour... Just as I'm getting stuff together to go to L&D I realize I hadn't had a contraction in over 10 minutes. Then, they went back to every 10 minutes so I didn't go to L&D. Still having inconsistent contractions varying between 5 and 15 minutes apart. They are intense. Anyone else going thru something similar? I'm so frustrated and very tired.