
So I have been married for a year. I asked my husband to leave just over a month and a half ago. He was constantly angry all the time. I literally was walking on egg shells in my own home and it was making me very unhappy, especially as I was putting him first in all I did. We, as a couple couldn't go on the way it was. I guess now the calm has set in after the storm, I had hoped he would come to his senses and realise what he has lost. His mum, dad and sisters are in constant contact with me, pleading with me to make contact with him as they are desperate for us to get back together.  He is currently living with his parents. I am 37 he is 40. 
I just really want to know what your views are of all this? Have you had anything similar? Will he come to his senses or should I just file for divorce and be done with it? Thanks! 😘