Don't want anyone in delivery room really

I am having my first baby in September and my mom and my aunt pretty much want to be there but honestly I don't want them there I really don't want anyone Except the necessary people to deliver my baby. I even thought of not having my husband there cuz was concerned he would get grossed out and lose all attraction for me and Never look at me the same or want to touch me again(I know silly but it's a fear of mine) but I decided to let him be there if he wants cuz I don't want to rob him of the experience of seeing his baby being born. I know women usually want their mother there but is it weird and mean of me to not want my mom or my aunt there. I also hate how my mom got all hurt when I nicely told her I don't want anyone there just my husband she gets freaking hurt for everything and she acts like she is obligated to be there just cuz she is mom. I love my mom and aunt don't get me wrong I try very hard to keep a close relationship with them but lately it's been hard to get along with them especially now during my pregnancy I feel they have just been unsupportive emotionally and have done nothing but stress me out during my pregnancy. Everytime I have a problem my mom or aunt are like the last people I would ever consider turning to for advice cuz from past experience they don't know how to listen or give advice all they can do is criticize and lecture so that has made our relationship even more distant. I just feel them being there will just stress me out with their constant bickering with each other and the unnecessary comments and questions they just frustrate me now more than ever (I know it's probably the hormones). I feel guilty that my relationship with them isn't that close anymore I'm hoping after I deliver I'll be able to go back to myself and maybe I'll be able to tolerate them more but right now I can't everything they say and do just stresses me out big time I don't know why. It's ironic how you can love you family so much yet still not like them. Sorry just had to vent. Can anyone relate to loving their family but just hating them so much sometimes.