This pisses me off

This completely grinds my gears whenever I hear someone talk about how "tight" a girl is. Too many people talk about it in a slut shaming way. Like if a girl isn't tight down there she's been having a lot of sex...Uhm not necessarily??? Firstly, some girls are naturally tighter then others, every body is different! The vagina is a muscle you can't stretch it out of place. It will return back to its size. Secondly, how aroused a lady changes how "tight" she is. If she's tight she's not turned on. When she gets turned on and relaxed that's when she is loose so that she's not in pain when things go up.
"If the vagina feels "too tight" during lovemaking, the woman is either (1) not interested in sex, or (2) she has not had enough warm-up time to allow her vaginal musculature to relax enough for comfortable insertion" -
Stop shaming people who are tight!
P.s. Being "tight" and having sex with a condom isn't good EXCEPTIONALLY with no kind of lubricantion causes too much frickion and can make the condom break. That's kind of a reason why you forplay. A) to loosen and relax B) create natural lubricantion.
Cool thanks for listening. Go education your friends so I don't have to keep seeing stupid comment like that above on imgur and woman can stop being ashamed for being "tight"