Is this normal?

Hiya B)
Im sexually active, but i always use protection, and i never have sex around my ovularion or fertile window, and to add onto that, i make him pull out with the condom on. Asap. ( because better to be safe than sorry :0 ) 
Anyways, i had sex when i was coming off my period, and i started bleeding again after ( because duh, everything was loosened up again) a few days later ( about three days into my fertile window) i was spotting a little bit, but i didnt think of it much. Today ( more like yesterday ) was my ovulation date, and i had fresh spotting as well as some old blood.
Im vaugely sure spotting durring ovulation is some what a healthy sign, but im still worried somthings up. Im not on the pill or anything, so i know that isnt the issue lmao
Anyways- id like to hear some opinions because its got me on edge :')