Morning after pill 3 times..

So in the past two months I've had to take the morning after pill 3 times (bad, I know). First time was down to unprotected sex, the other two mishaps with the condom. I managed to take the morning after pill within 24 hours of sex all three times. Since the first incident (4th July) I've had my period, which came a week after we had sex. Since the second time (15th July - the day I started my period coinsidentitly) I haven't had a period since.. I took a pregnancy test last week which came out negative. I'm Still waiting on two periods now, the first of which is due in 10 days, although I'm very irregular. I have been having symptoms like cramps, and sore boobs, but they are also signs of pregnancy too.. I had a bit of blood about 2 days ago which lasted just one day but there wasn't much at all. I don't know when to take a pregnancy test again so it'll be more or less accurate, although I know I'll have to take one for the second and third time (8th August) we've had sex.. I don't know what to do as I know taking the pill 3 times has really messed up my cycle, majorly. Also the last time we had sex I had a period type bleed which seemed stop completely after we'd had sex.. I don't know what to do