7 days now

Amanda • 27 ttc for #1
CD 38 and no af signs. My bf said my boobs are feeling fuller idk but they're sore yet not heavy or tight feeling. I'm having bad backaches but it could be the weather too. I haven't tested again yet bc i thought maybe the B2 I take was affecting it so I stopped it to see if it was or not. Anymore pretty much been the same metallic taste and now I'm super tired like I don't sleep enough when I'm sleeping about 8 hrs. I haven't been eating as much lately food just doesn't taste the same or certain foods don't. I'm thinking about getting a first response test bc I've read they're really good but not a curved one lol. I feel pregnant. My bf sisters asked him if I'm pregnant bc they've been having dreams and feeling weird idk. So how's everyone else doing?