Worried 😔

Hi ladies, 
 Well according to my app I'm 7 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I've been  having some complications already and I'm having an issue seeing my OB due to not having insurance. I am applying for Medicaid it's just a waiting game at this point. 
 Anyway, I am looking for any insight or advice about what's going on. My problems have been this, about a week ago I bleed lightly for about 7 days. Which I thought it was just a strange period, but come to find out I took a test and I'm pregnant. So, fast forward to a day ago I went to the ER because I had more unusual bleeding and some light cramping. They checked my cervix and it was closed, did blood work, told me to rest drink water, and then I was discharged. Next day I still was bleeding, had some cramping, and at one point a fever. Just very uncomfortable all day. Today I've just had mainly spotting with brown blood. Not so much in pain. I haven't notice any blood clots or ever been in severe pain. 
 Anyone have any idea what's going on? Should I be concerned? 
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Posted at
Did they do you ultrasound of uterus?


Ashley • Aug 14, 2016
No they did not. I asked about it and they said they didn't need too. It's not a very good hospital where I'm from.


Posted at
The spotting could possibly be implantation and the pain could be round ligament pains. I found out I was pregnant at 3weeks and 4days, from that day up until my 15week I was having cramping pain bc of my ligaments adjusting. But about Medicaid, it should take about a month to see if u are approved and if so u may recieve a temp card so u can make an appt and than have to choose which company u would like to be insured with. Because u r pregnant u should be qualified for it and approved. I wish you the best of luck.


Ashley • Aug 14, 2016
Thank you very much for all of your input!


Posted at
I had alittle light bleeding but no other symptoms. However i called my doctor she said to rest but if i got a Fever or kept bleeding to go to the doctor. I never got a fever but maybe you should be concerned?


Ashley • Aug 14, 2016
Oh no, well I am a little worried :(