I went to the hospital on 7/28 at 8pm to be induced

I went to the hospital on 7/28 at 8pm to be induced. They started me on Pitocin at 1am. At 10am the contractions were 4min apart and very strong so I asked for the epidural. I stayed on the lowest dose and let it wear off a bit while taking naps. At around 2pm they broke my water I was 5cm. They broke it too early because when they checked me again at around 5pm I was 8cm but had caught Chorio which is an infection in the amniotic fluid which caused mine and my baby's heart rate to go up and our fevers to rise. They put me on antibiotics but 2 hours later my fever had only gone up and my baby's heart rate was 190, mine was 165. They said for the safety of me and the baby I should get a c section. I agreed because I was scared for my baby and didn't want to cause further distress. I was prepped for surgery and my son was born on 7/29/16 at 10:10pm. He was given 9/10 on the Apgar both times and is a happy and healthy little boy!
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So happy for you. Enjoy your baby