My baby shower this weekend

Jennifer • I live in Austin, Texas I have a soon to be 5yo son with my second bundle coming any day now! Jon Julian and Jayden 💙
Although I'm so excited about it! My mother in law is throwing it for me and I was able to invite my family and friends for one big shower rather then 2 separate ones. But I'm so nervous! I'm not really close with a lot of ppl and I'm not close with my mother in law and my S/O's family. He might most likely be at work all day! I'm nervous cus I'm not sure my friends and family will show up and I'm gonna be stuck there with his family and feel so awkward! She hasn't really talked to me about what the theme is gonna be or anything so I'm not sure what to wear so I can match my own baby shower. Not sure about what kind of food is gonna be there and my mother wanted to help with the baby shower and she hasn't given me any feedback on how my mom can help. It's getting really annoying!!! I'm starting to feel uncomfortable with the whole situation, like I coulda just did this myself with my mother instead of feeling clueless and awkward about it...its this coming weekend