Did you know..?

I didn't think my sex ed and life ed classes were lacking in school- I knew we covered a lot more then we had to- I grew in a mostly privileged Connecticut town. So I didn't really ever wonder about my body until I stumbled across a social media post about inverted nipples. So to tie in the title of my post, did you guys know there are three common 'types' (I use the term loosely since I couldn't find any real concrete scientific sources to verify that they were types and not just 'almost-experts' classifying them as such) of nipples? The most common one that is shown in adult movies and most of the world is considered the 'normal' type, but there are also 'flat' nipples, that tend to be lay against the areola when not stimulated, and 'inverted' nipples that actually pull back into the areola area. From everything I found theres no real medical issues that arise from these differences (though inverted nipples may make breast feeding slightly more challenging). I thought I'd share the knowledge with the world in case anyone else was in the same spot I was, wondering why yours looked different without ever being told that nipples can also vary like the snow flakes :)