Getting so close it's been such a journey so far

I feel like time has gone by so fast. I truly feel like I just found out yesterday I was pregnant and I only have a week left until my due date. Before I know it our little girl is going to be here and in my arms. There have been so many ups and precious moments that I wouldn't trade for anything. No the whole prosscess hasn't been easy there have been days and times where I've cried because of body issues of just not feeling like my self. Over all though I wouldn't change anything.  All the signs of being close to the end of my pregnancy are here and it's exciting. I wouldn't say I'm fed up being pregnant so I'm okay if she doesn't decided to come like tomorrow but at the same time I'm so excited to meet her and see her face for the first time. To all the other moms out there who are due soon we are almost at the end of this chapter and the new chapter will begin soon! Good luck to all you moms out there!