Baby Rusty arrived early!

Due on Aug 21, but baby Rusty decided to come one week early! Long story short: had a membrane sweep on Thurs during my39th  week doc visit, passed the mucous plug on sat morning at 5:20am and had some strong contractions every 5min but stopped after 2 hours, so I just continued on with my day. Went to target at noon but water broke during the car ride. Called my OB and was asked to go in right away, as the baby is now exposed to the risk of infection.  Arrived at the hospital at 2pm, pitocin and ballon were used at 9pm, since I was only 2cm dilated and was not making progress. 10 hours later around 6:30am next day finally dilated to 10cm. Pushed for only 45 min and baby Rusty arrived. We instantly fell in love with our baby. He is PERFECT! 😘😘