Water broke!

Well I was set to be induced tomorrow morning at 40w2d, but baby beat me to it! Water broke at 11pm and now we are in the hospital ready to go! I was constantly worried that my water was going break and I would have no clue, but it was just like I had seen it described on here by other women. I happen to already be on the toilet, I leaned to wipe and there was a pop, almost like popping your knuckle, and before the water came out I already knew what had happened! There was less of a hush and more of a heavy trickle, but it kept coming. Even after I stood back up and woke my husband I rushed back into the bathroom to keep from leaking everywhere. Glad I had pads on stand by! Wish me luck, only mild contractions so far so we shall see if this progresses naturally or not 🙏🙏