37 weeks tomorrow and so ready, cam someone help please

K • 22. mum to baby boy :)
Im 37 weeks tomorrow and last night and today i have been having what i can only describe as when my stomach cramps up and i get a very sore sharp pain very low in my stomach and sometimes in my back not regular and they dont seem to last the amount of time a contraction is supposed too so i dont know whats going on, its painful enough that it woke me from my sleep several times last night and almost had me in tears today and i have a high pain threshhold. Its different to braxton hicks cause im having those as well. I know its early and baby will come when ready but iv started bouncing on a exercise ball and eating pineapple and have started walking more. I just want to meet my baby, hes head down, engaged and ready to go already weighing in at over 6pound 4oz. My question is does anyone know what the cramping/sharp pains are? Thanks :)