Boyfriend growing distant

So my boyfriend has always been overly doting and loving. Lately it's been very different. He has been working 14-16 hour days 7 days a week for almost a month so I understand him being exhausted. And then just a few days ago he had to unexpectedly fly to Arkansas because his grandmother had a stroke. During all this time I have tried to be very understanding and supportive and not be needy. But now when he does text me he doesn't call me babe or any of the other pet names he used all the time. When I reference the future or getting married he's very non-committal about it. We have been talking about getting married for months now and he has even talked to my mom about what I want in a ring. And has gone and had one custom made. It just feels like he's slowly pulling away from me. And I noticed the other day that 3 out of the 4 friends of his that I'm friends with on Facebook have unfriended me. Which was very very wierd but could be completely unrelated. I can't help but worry about the state of my relationship and a friend of mine told me that a lot of times when a guy is getting ready to propose that they can act like this. She even thought her fiance was cheating because he started getting very secretive... turns out he was just planning the proposal and was constantly nervous around her. I just don't know what to think. Any input, advice, personal experience would be welcomed. I do plan on talking to him about how I'm feeling, but not until he is back in town. He doesn't need the headache from me while dealing with his sick grandma. Thanks ladies for taking the time.