Any input would be appreciated!

Hey, yall. I need some advice. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for awhile now. However, I just recently was put on clomid. Last month was my third month on clomid 100mg. I ran out of refills, so it was time to go see my OBGYN. He and my nurse got a sample of my cervix mucus and looked at it under a microscope and said it did look ovulatory. They also took blood and said they wanted to confirm ovulation and see how high my levels were. This was on Wednesday (8/10). They said they should call me Monday or Tuesday with the results. Well, I got a call Friday morning. My nurse said the results look really good and that my levels are actually really high. She said my levels were at a 30! She said this could be an early sign of pregnancy. Before, my levels were at a 12, so this was over double. She said give it a week or so and if I don't start, to take a test. I started on july 18th last month. My husband and I had sex on july 26th and also on august 2nd and 7th. I got so anxious playing the waiting game! My periods aren't ever really to the EXACT day, they're usually within a few days. So, I took a test today and it was negative. I was really expecting it to he positive this time. So, I guess I am conflicted. I am wanting to call my nurse and ask her what her opinion is. I know I should just wait and see if/when I start, but goodness its so hard to wait. Ive also been experiencing some symptoms like headaches, dizziness, frequent urination, etc. But then again could that be because I'm about to start? Any advice or input? Thanks in advance!