&& then there was two

So in April we found out we were expecting ... This would turn our family of 6 to 7. I set up all prenatal visits to begin the journey of motherhood one last time. Each visit she would find the heartbeat and everything sounded good. This was the first pregnancy that my family practitioner provided care with my delivery to be handled by an OB due to needing a repeat C-section. Because I knew the date of my last menstrual period and was confident on when we had conceived she didn't order an early ultrasound. She stated they typically only do them if there is cause for concern or measurements or levels are off. So my blood draw was done between 4 to 5 weeks pregnant to confirm pregnancy. Then I had my typical appointments up into my 20 week anatomy scan... Being our last baby we had agreed not to find out the sex. I have found out with my other four children and kind of wanted this last one to be a surprise. So when we walked into the ultrasound room my significant other and I told the lady that if she got anywhere near the genital area to please tell us to look away. As she began the ultrasound I told her one of the weirdest things about not knowing the gender was not knowing how to refer to the baby. I said sometimes I call it a he sometimes I call it a she sometimes I even say they just because I'm not sure how to refer to it. In that same moment the technician swallowed hard and paused... She moved the little Doppler scanner slowly over my stomach and said speaking of they....