Had to get an ovary removed today.

After noticing a mass on my ovary in a ct scan a while back, my doctors have been on me about getting it removed before it turns cancerous. Today was the day I finally got it removed, but the mass had grown to the size of the ovary so they just removed it altogether. I feel weird about it. I feel like I can almost tell it isn't there, and everything hurts so, so terribly. I've got a lot of questions about what's going to happen to me from here on out, but if any of you girls have had this done, what'll be up with your period? Mine's supposed to come in three days and I've got every answer from "you won't get it" to "you'll be normal". Some have said it'll be worse than normal. I know it'll still come monthly, but I'm concerned about the pain level.  What should I be prepping for?