how would you approach this?

My boyfriend and I have been together a little over a year. We were each other's first everything. He's 21 and a marine, I'm 18 and nothing. I'm short, fat, and funny. That's all. Never been the cute friend or wanted friend. Nothing special. He drops little comments that hurt my feelings but I brush it off because I don't think he noticed what he's saying. Well last night I asked if he liked my body and he said "yeah I don't mind your body" and smiled at me. I said "but do you like it?" And he said "yes of course." And I said "but you said you don't mind it." And he said "yeah, I don't." I sighed and said "well there is a big difference between not minding and liking." To which he replied, "you're right, I know there is." So I asked which it was, he likes it or doesn't mind it. He nodded and said "both I guess." I wasn't offended until I thought about how would he feel if every time he asked if I liked sex I replied "yeah I don't mind the size of your penis." I feel like complete shit. He doesn't even like me body. I have always had issues with my body and all day I've been so upset. We've been watching a season of a show together (that we missed while he was away for the marines) and now he's being shitty with me and pouty because I'm sad and won't explain why. He's asked only twice all day. How do I even go about this? I'm mad and sad. I feel so sick to my stomach over this. My friend cried when I told her what he said to me. What would you do? How do I approach explains why this hurt me?  I feel like he's settling for me. Like he ordered apple pie and got cherry pie but he "didn't mind" it because it's okay just not what he wanted. 
He's also made comments to me in the past about how I wasn't his ideal body type and he always thought he'd be with someone smaller