How Do I?

I have my Ex Boyfriend which dont want me to let go. I Really really dont want him anymore! whatever I did, he always mad, when I'm on my friends (with boys) he always get jealous and punch me even If Im not doing anything that makes him angered. when I'm with mu family or my mother, he always said that *I always prioritized my family than him* he also dont want me to go with my family and friends.. yes we have a baby, even our son! he gets jealous! he said that, my full attention is now is in my son. What the F**!! I hate him! now I breaking up with him! he dont agree with that! he always follows me wherever I go, hen the time I end up with him, he punch me and I feel that he still hold me in my neck. what should I do?? How do I Leave him???? :( I want him to Leave me alone!