is it still possible that I may be pregnant?

Ok, so a month ago I had unprotected sex. About two weeks ago I took a home pregnancy test and it came back negative. So a couple of days ago I went to the doctor for some test results and I brought up how I've been feeling lately and that I missed a period. She asked if I could be pregnant and I told her I took a test but I thought I took it too soon. So they did another test (it was a urine test so I could get the results right away). It came back negative. She said to wait two more weeks and take another home pregnancy test, if I haven't got a period. If it's still negative, then I'm in the clear. Is it still possible I could be pregnant despite the negative test results?  I've been extremely tired and have been napping during the day (which I never do unless I have the flu). Also my breast have started feeling a little heavy and I've been having more headaches than normal. Just looking for some opinions from those who've been through the same thing.