Clomid Mistake?


I need some advice on Clomid. Got pregnant on the 1st try but had a miscarriage at 19wks in March. Been TTC ever since. Got frustrated last month and took a friend's leftover clomid days 2-6 even though I ovulate well. Period stopped immediately that cycle so it only lasted 2 days when it's normally 5.

BFN so now it's time for AF and NOTHING! I've only seen a few brown spots and experienced cramps. I've never randomly missed a period before so now I'm freaking out that this will stop me from ovulating this month.

Other ladies who have taken Clomid - Is this normal? Anyone have Clomid stop your period but still get a BFP that cycle? Should I take Clomid again this month to improve my chances of ovulating even though I've had this weird side effect?

Thanking you in advance for any advice!