I'm so scared

beeee • Daisie Annalise born on her due date 12.03.17 at 9:26 21 inches 8lbs 9oz💕
I got two vvfl but I just started spotting I'm so nervous I can't stop stressing I don't want anything bad to happen to this embryo that is growing inside of me I already love it and it's just two lines on a test 😞 can someone please give me advice? I have a doctors appointment on Friday with a midwife but I just can't stop worrying 😞
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Ok so I took a pregnancy test at the beginning of December. That night I got a vvfl and then started bleeding. I was so confused so I waited and took another one in the morning. It was a vfl. But by the morning I was bleeding pretty good. So I went to the emergency room just to make sure everything was ok. The doctor at the hospital told me I had a miscarriage and to follow up with an OBGYN. The doctor I saw thought it was a miscarriage but did some more blood work anyways. My hcg levels went up not down. Then a few days later they did an ultrasound and sure enougj I was stil pregnant and healthy!!! To this day they have no idea why I was bleeding but look at us now! Due on Thursday!


Hope • Aug 17, 2016
every situation is different. just remember that!! don't give up!


beeee • Aug 17, 2016
Oh my god thank you so much this made me feel so much better you look amazing 💘💘


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The more you worry the more stress you put on the baby. Give it to God and go to sleep


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Don't worry about a thing.Because every little thing is gonna be alright.