Am I being ridiculous?

Me and my mom are far from close. We knock heads a lot and can't get along. She makes me feel like she doesn't even like me any more. She always leaves me at home to take my siblings out to dinner, to go shopping,  and I know it's silly to let it bug me, I get really sad that she leaves me at home alone to go do things with my siblings. She constantly makes mountains out of molehills. I made her and my dad a red velvet cake for their anniversary and I got grounded for two weeks. Just recently she took my two siblings back to school shopping and spent over $500 on them, which I have no problem with, other than the fact she didn't take me. She lost my social security card, and I get that it was probably an accident, but I can't help feeling like she didn't really care. She hasn't taken me to get my permit and I'll be 16 in 2 months and she won't let anyone else take me. She constantly pushes me in school, which I totally get and I'm great full for it, but I get punished for getting Bs in class and never celebrates all the good things I do.  I am an accomplished band student, and I am the most decorated member of my debate team. She constantly thinks everything I do is to go hook up with boys, and I have never done more than kiss a boy. She calls me ugly and  puts me down almost any chance she gets. 
I want to move out so badly, but I can't because I'm not legally old enough. I stay in my room a lot and I sign up to compete in every drama competition possible so I avoid conflict. I try my hardest to be civil, but it always seems to come back to bite me. I've tried talking to my dad but he always takes her side on everything, which makes me feel worse.  All I can do is forward my education, and it's pretty easy because I love to learn, and I plan my future out for when I go to college. I'm a junior (the youngest in my grade; I got into school early) so I only have two more years left before I get to go to college so I can become a drama teacher! Excuse the tangent, but talking about my future makes me hopeful and really happy. 😊🤓
Even though I try to keep my head up and look foreword to all the things I'm going to do, I still get angry and really sad about the things my mom says. Am I being too dramatic and should I get over it? Thanks! 😘😘😘