Pyloric stenosis

So just posting my story so that other mommies can catch this early too. So Saturday morning my little Casen Spit up like normal.. Sunday he became very irritable and spitting up a little more after feedings .. Monday night he vomited after every feeding Tuesday morning little buddy projectile vomited after every feeding .. Took him to ft around 930- dr sent him to hospital for ultrasound bc of the projectile vomitjng for an ultrasound on his belly.. Came back positive for pyloric stenosis which is basically  a muscule that connects his stomach with his small intestine. We are having surgery tomorrow morning to open that part up ;( common in first born white males but only like 1 out of every 300 babies born have this happen. Worst part about it is not being able to feed him.. He hasn't ate in 18 hrs and not bc he doesn't want too but bc his surgery got pushed back from last night to early this morning, he's on fluid but is pitiful. Please say a prayer for my baby, he was 3 WKS old yesterday..