Baby gender

I am 20 weeks pregnant with baby #2 and family had been seriously getting on my nerves bugging me to find out the gender of the baby.. how ever my husband and I didn't want to find out the gender. So we went for our 20week scan and I told the ultrasound tech that we didn't want to find out.. a few minutes later she was having a hard time getting a certain picture she needed so called an other lady in to help.. and as she's trying to get the picture she says oh what a beautiful little girl.. the other tech says oh honey I'm so sorry they didn't want to find out.. the other tech felt so bad the she ruined the surprise... so we found out the gender but hubby and I were so annoyed with family pestering us about the gender we decided to tell family we didn't find out even tho we did so they will stop bugging since it's our last scan till baby is born.. am I wrong for lying to them?