Need to vent.

My husband has been an absolute asshole this whole pregnancy. I am 16 weeks and 4 days today, tomorrow we find out the sex of baby. I am super excited but am having a hard time dealing w him. I just need others opinions on how they would react.
Yesterday was our anniversary, it just so happened this was the last night of his men's golf league. We woke up as always he went to work and we just got our day going. I had a hair appointment that was at 1 and was going to take a while(went from red back to blonde). 
He asked if he could go golfing before golf league since I was going to take a while but promised to be home as soon as league was over. I said yes even though I wanted to say he shouldn't go golfing period. 
I got done w my hair, picked up my daughter and went home. We spent the evening playing and enjoying eachother, even though in my head I was anxiously waiting to hear from him. I fed Hadlee and got her to bed by 8( I didn't eat cuz he and I had decided we would eat together when he was done). 
At 840 he text he was done and would see me after prizes and to order a pizza. Pizza comes still no hubby 10 rolls around and I have called numerous times w no answer. Finally he answers to tell me he and the guys went to the bar and he would be home w in the hour.
I lost it. Told him to not bother coming home if his friends meant so much he had to chose them over me on our anniversary. He came home around 1130, drunk and not understanding why I was upset.
 As of today he thinks I just over react and said it was the last night of golf league so I can relax. What he doesn't see is that it was our anniversary that comes once a year and I spent it alone eating pizza, pregnant.😕