Are these negative comments? Or am I over reacting?

I'm 33 and a soon to be FTM
I have two sisters both older than me (only one of which is a parent.) My eldest sister -who has no children, doesn't look after children and has no regular contact with any children seems to feel qualified to give me regular snippets of advice and it's getting me down. So far I've had comments even from the older sisters boyfriend who also has no children about how I should put peanut butter on my finger and put it in my babies mouth before I even get weaning as otherwise il give my baby an allergy - my baby hasn't even been born yet!!!!!!! And I've had stupid comments about how back in the day babies didn't even have car seats so why am I so worried about the one I choose? Comments about how the new advice in the uk that babies shouldn't be left in a car seat for longer than 90mins at a time is over the top and will change next week, I also have been branded over the top for having a mattress hand made to fit a family handed down crib as I couldn't find a store one. Apparently it wouldn't have mattered if the one I bought was too small as I could have padded it out with blankets extra sponge or even a piece of wood!!!! I should also put loose bricks in a fireplace so the baby can't get to it?!! (My solution was to have it either boarded up or to have a fire guard screwed to the wall. But I was told bricks be a better solution???? Like really?? how could anyone think that a good idea???) I also whenever I mention breast feeding keep being told by both sisters and my mother how my sister couldn't do it so I should just be prepared to use formula, and stock up on it now with my mother even suggesting I'm denying other people the chance to look after my baby if I don't. And how I should consider expressing instead. She didn't breast feed and finds it strange I want to. Everytime I politely say I want to follow my midwife or health visitors advice I'm told they are over the top with their advise and how it is not always best!!! This is getting So annoying!!!! any tips for dealing with 
this without a fall out? Or am I over reacting.