Took my teen to get the pill


So my teen age daughter had her well check and we got her the pill the dr asked why we wanted it and I said well she is in high school and I would rather her have it before sexually active instead of after it is not that I am condoning sex but we all know it will eventually happen we have been discussing bc options for a little while and we decided on the pill she had asked bring it up but the dr us like I was forcing her onto the pill which is rediculous my child trusts me to advocate for her and I am totally cool with her taking it even though she she wasn't ready for sex yet I think it is a good thing for us to be able to have open discussions about her heath and her life in general so what do you guys think did I do the right thing ???

**I guess I should be clear that we discussed even if you take the pill you must use a condom everytime to protect yourself from sti and hiv I did not have 1/2 of an important conversation with her that would not be helpful for her at all