To go back to work or not??

I keep debating back and forth with myself on if I'll go back to work after baby. I can only take 6 weeks off and it's unpaid then I have to go back. I already have a hard time keeping up with everything at home being that my husband works 50+/- hours a week. If I did go back I would only be working 3 or 4 hour shifts which is nice but due to the cost of childcare and when my husband or family can watch I'd only be working 13 hours a week tops which means I'd only be bringing in 15% or less (depending what position I come back as) of our income. We already know we can make it without me having a job but I feel bad leaving a place I love working at so much. They're even throwing me a work baby shower! I feel bad for taking their gifts and leaving. Another option is just putting in my 2 weeks and then coming back when I feel we are ready as a family a few months later. I also know and fear I may be judged by others on the fact that I'm not keeping my job like most moms do. They did it so I should be able to type attitudes. Another strong reason for being a stay at home is for my own health. I've struggled with depression since I was a child and we're not sure how I'll handle postpartum, especially if we throw a job in the mix. We plan on having more kids after this and homeschooling, I love working there and the people but maybe it just won't work out. Maybe what's best for my family is for me to leave my job. All opinions are welcome!! Sorry for such a long post I just have a ton on my mind right now!!