Health concern

Hello all, I am having some problems that have really started to concern me. For the past few months I have been bleeding (period) nonstop, so heavy it goes through pads, clothes, etc. Went to the doctor and so far nothing is stopping it, had a DNC, that worked for a month. On thyroid medicine, no change, no bc helped only made me sicker, got the shot they give to stop bleeding yesterday and as of today I am still bleeding not alot but still. This week I have been so short of breath that I yawn constantly, cough often to open chest, take deep gasps for air and cant get enough, worse when I lay down, so not sleeping well, extremely fatigued. Taking vitamins, iron, trying to exercise. I have a sonogram scheduled and more tests to get to the bottom of the bleeding. The lack of breath is becoming a concern. Any thoughts?