Jumping to conclusions~

Tricia • Ohayo

So, I havent started my period in a month(which is normal because I have irregular periods) but its almost the ending of this month.. Meaning its going to be 2 whole months since my period. Maybe I'm just jumping to conclusions because again (irregular period) and I've had a time where I didn't start my period after 2 1/2 months but that's when I was still a virgin. And giving the fact that I'm not anymore... Well I'm overwhelming myself with questions to "what if I'm pregnant.?!" Which gives me anxiety and stress. I've taken a pregancy test 2 months ago and came out negative. *phew* but I'm not sure how fast it can be to get pregnant. Besides I hadn't had any morning sickness (or other pregnant signs) and embrassing as it seems I've placed my hand on my tummy to see if any life was in there. So maybe I'm just overthinking it all.

Ever since last month though I've been dealing with stress and depression. I'd be pissed off at everything and everyone, then cry later. It can be my bipolar that triggers it even worse. But I sometimes agree that this is the case to why I'm late on my period. I even say its impossible for me to get pregnant because my odd irregular periods, and this positive feeling inside my heart telling me that im not able to carry babies.. It saddens me, but I guess its a medical reason.

Anyway, that's another story, I'm positive I'm not pregnant.

I'm just writing this because hey, I just need to get it out there, maybe calm my anxiety. As much as I dislike having my period, I sure miss it.. Kinda odd ahaha.