Most embarrassing sex stories

Let me also tell you mine (apart from the one about pooing during anal in his bed). We were in our 20s. When I was with my ex bf I waited a month before sleeping with him. He was the classical all-perfect guy: the kind of guy who would drive back home for miles if he noticed a minor stain in the corner of his shirt, etc.I decided to do it one day, invited him over, super sexy vibe etc. it was the last day of my period and I could see no blood. We start, he goes down on me, we do a few positions...we finish. He gets up to go to the bathroom and I heard him
Scream like a pussy. I ask him
What happened and he switches on the light and is all drenched in blood. Face, hands, body. I panic. I couldn't tell him it was my period as I knew he would have been so disgusted by that  that he would have left me (I was madly in love with him). So I smile coily and I tell him: "that's not my period babe. You've just taken my virginity. I feel so emotional right now!". (truth is: before him I had slept with about 8 people). He said I should
Have told him I was a virgin and he would have gone slower. I told him he had been slow enough. A year after he cheated on me with my best friend. He bragged about being my first.
Sometimes I think I should just tell him he was f*****g covered with my period blood and that I'm not that innoceeeeeeent!