Mom didn't seem thrilled...

So yesterday we finally told my mother and stepfather that we're expecting.  We told my husbands family two weeks ago at a family reunion and everyone was super happy and supportive.  Applause and hugs all around.  
In contrast telling my parents wasn't as great... My stepdad seemed excited and gave me a hug but my mother didn't seem to react much and didn't even get up from where she was sitting... And later told me she was more excited that we were buying a house than having a baby.  And wouldn't have cared if we never had kids. 
I'm almost 30 and husband is a few years older than me and we're married, so it shouldn't have been a big shock.  I am not super surprised she wasn't jumping for joy but I was hoping she would be happier... It was kind of a let down.
I guess has anyone else had similar experiences with their mothers not having a very positive reaction to being told you were expecting?  Did they warm up to it later?