Milk Allergy

Danielle • My oldest daughter was born 6/29/16 💕 my son was born sleeping on 9/29/20 👼🏻 my youngest daughter born 12/14/21 🌈
Just found out a few days ago that my 7 weeks old is allergic to dairy. Had to make a decision to either stop breastfeeding or give up dairy. To me it's wasn't hard considering I love breastfeeding my baby and feel it is super important (I would give up anything for my daughter). Although I am a huge dairy fan! Cheese is my downfall. I am using this as a diet to lose my baby weight, since cutting dairy will cut a lot of the bad for you stuff. Anyone else have this problem? 
I do have to say that after cutting dairy within a few days my daughter was not gassy at all! Her bowel movements are easier and she is not crying in pain. I only wish we had figured this out sooner! If anyone else thinks their child has a dairy allergy you are probably right and should go to the doctor to confirm!
My beautiful happy baby 💕