Need Advice

It's my first time posting but I want to get an opinion from you ladies on here possibly having the same issues. My husband is in the Navy, were stationed in VA and I don't really know anyone here even tho I've been here almost a year, were both originally from CA, so that's where our families are. My husbands ship is preparing for deployment in February and it's stressful because I'm here alone while he's gone for multiple weeks at a time. Both our moms suggested that I come home so they can help with my first pregnancy. But my husband wants me to stay here and just stick it through. In detail, he is currently on restriction for 45 days for being irresponsible on watch, were on day 14 of restriction, once that's over he will be gone till around the end of September underway, he will be here after that all October then leaves all November and part of December (my birthday). I feel it would be best for our baby if I go home so I can have some support. But I don't want to leave him feeling like I'm not here for him. Which one of us is wrong? Do I stay or go home?