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I have a question for all you ladies when you are scheduled for an appointment do you generally know what your appointment is for? For example what will be going on during your appointment. I ask because my last appointment I went in blind totally expected like a short OK you are 13 weeks along great see you in a few weeks what I got was surprise! lay dow get naked and spread your legs lol. Now this appointment I have no I idea what's going on I called and asked because my husband can't take too many days off and he would really like to go for our next ultrasound I told the receptionist if she could possibly tell me if my next appointment at 17+5 weeks would likely be it if not so my husband can stay at work and go to my next appointment instead and she said "I don't know" and I said OK do you have any idea what this appointment is for she says "nope" I say OK is there any way you can find out?? She says "oh no I can't" and I'm thinking OK that's so strange right? Or is it totally normal I'm a FTM so it could very well be but I just thought it was odd. Please let me know if this normal it makes me really uneasy.