Do i go to the er or wait

Hi, I'm 9 weeks pregnant. I started sotting 5 days ago which turned into red bleeding 3 days ago. The bleeding is medium flow, little to no clots. The small clots that come out are maybe half the size of a pinky nail. And maybe 1 out of 4 wipes have them. I called my obgyn today and they won't see me with out an appointment for this stuff until I'm 20 weeks. However I have my first appointment in three days. The office said i need to go to the ER or insta care. So i called the insts care and they would just refer me back to the that was a dead end. I just don't want to go the Er and pay for a visit if I don't have to when I have an appointment in the days....I'm freaking out, i am having mild cramps expecially on the lower front left and lower back. What should I do? I just don't know what they would do at the er and if it's worth it? Help.