Ignorant fuck up.

I hate how much of a dumbass I really am. I'm 17, homeschooled, and bust my my ass to graduate. I screwed off since 7th grade, like an idiot. I was never one to care about school. And I'm on the verge of crying. I know absolutely nothing about science, at all. Every time I look at something I literally stare it completely lost. I'm sitting here also trying to learn about algebra and I hate all this x2-(34+w)= wtf.. I don't see the point in this at all. I can't stand the fact you have to know this shit. Why? How about teach me about normal life things. Not one person who has their diploma has ever told me "Oh! M3+w-2= helped me out today! 😐 so stressful. It seems the only thing I can pass anything in is writing, reading, English type stuff. I'm really stressing. I really wish I would've listened when people told me to pay attention in school,  Because here I am, a senior, with 4 credits who busts her ass to pass these damn state tests and I'm just not passing them. I'm truly trying and trying to learn and keep failing nonstop. Overwhelming 😔