Seriously if you can't afford a child or having another child then don't get pregnant!!

I have a huge issue with this, so many people everyday struggle to make ends meet as it is some have children and some don't. What I don't get is those who don't have children or have a couple children and then end up pregnant when they know they can't afford it at all. I know unless you're completely loaded with money you will never be able to afford a baby (truly and completely) but seriously if you're struggling to pay bills and keep food on the table then try not get pregnant. Yes sex is amazing without a condom, and the pills can be expensive and the implants and shots can be expensive but at least try something. Condoms a good cheap alternative  to use if you can't afford other types of birth control. Also, yes I know condoms can break and you may mess up taking your pills or you may take something that causes them to be less effective but at least try. If a condom breaks try getting plan B. I know that can be expensive too but it's still cheaper than an unexpected pregnancy that you won't be able to afford or will make it almost impossible for you and your family to survive. I even work with a guy who has 3 kids and his wife just had twins. It's great that they are adding to their family but even he's said that they can't afford the babies and it's going to be extremely hard. I was like dude y'all had 3 kids, I was shocked that he hadn't had a vesectomy or she hadn't had her tunes tied but everyone's different and can do that when they're ready. I just found it crazy that she at least wasn't on birth control especially since they have free medical coverage that completely takes care of the cost. That and he'd ask us all for money here and there and I felt bad for him but then he'd talk a week later about going and spending money on something useless that they don't need. I just don't understand it. Babies are a great gift but try to be more financially grounded and run the numbers to see if you can survive fine with adding to your family before actually doing so. I can't say when someone should get pregnant but if you're broke, you should probably worry about trying to get a better job or trying to go back to school not trying to have kids when you can barely feed yourself or your husband. It's just my opinion though