Help. I need good vibes.

Hello all. Im having some issues and i need some advice on delaing. So in june of last year i miscarried for the first time and anyone who knows your first is always the worst. It hits you hardest being that its never happened before. (Not saying any other is any better.) i had my first apointment and baby was fine. Went for my first trimester screening (downsyndrome screening) doctor could not find a heart beat. It broke me for a while my hubby and i tried for a year and it was taken away at just 12 weeks. We recently found out im expecting again (unplanned lol) i had my first appointment in which i heard the heart beat ❤. I am scheduled for my first u/s tomorrow (down syndrome screening) i am currently 12 weeks 1 day and i am having severe anxiety about this. Im being optomistic and hopeful and i feel this is a healthy pregnancy i have been doing all i can to stay in tip top shape for my baby no stress no lifting no nothing. But i still cant help but feel absolutly terrified so much so i broke down a few times today. Im terrified and i could really use some good vibes or some advice anything that will help. I talked to my hubby and hes reassuring me it will be fine but somehow im not completely convinced.