Concerning sono 🙁

Heather • Expecting baby boy #5, baby #6 on September 17th 😍.
I have had chronic hypertension since 16 weeks and have been on bp meds. I started biweekly NSTs at 32 weeks and have been having growth sonos once a month. Last month baby measured 1 week ahead and his head measured 2 weeks ahead. This morning I had a sono and baby was measuring 2 weeks small! I am very concerned as I typically have big babies. My first was 9.11 at 40 weeks and my youngest was 7.13 at 37 weeks, I also had chronic hypertension with him. Anyone else had this happen? Dr. seemed concerned and told me to take it very easy and keep a close watch on his movements. I go back Wednesday for another NST. Trying not worry but am struggling.