Needing Support. Updated again!


I just got the results of my quad test today. I'm 26, and the results say my baby has a 1 in 5 chance of having Down Syndrome or Spina Bifida. I'm trying to be strong... but I'm so worried that my child will suffer. The nuechal screening was perfect, so this is shocking for me. Are there any other mommas out there who can offer encouragement? This is my first baby and I'm just terrified out of my mind.


We had an ultrasound to check the baby, and we're blessed to be told our baby is a girl, and she doesn't have Spina Bifida. There is still a chance of Down Syndrome, and we will know in 7-10 days if our baby girl is sporting the bonus chromosome. We love her so much, and she's perfect to us. We've decided to name her Evangeline, which means good news. ❤

**Second Update!**

I got the results of my progenity test today, and my baby girl does not have Down Syndrome. Thank you all for your support and kind words. Her father and I can't wait to hold little Evangeline and give her the best life possible.