Just being honest....

Did anyone else quit taking the pill because they thought they couldn't get pregnant or either wanted a baby really bad? People think I got pregnant by accident but I really didn't. I'm not looking for negativity! Please no negative posts. (Edit: yes my boyfriend- now husband knows. I was just having a rough time in my life. I lost literally everything. I had been off the pill for a while before I told him. I didn't tell him the full extent because I was afraid I would lose him, too. However, I did tell him that I thought I was pregnant. We found out I was pregnant, got married, and then I told him the full story. When I say I lost everything, I really did. I was kicked out of my parent's home and I was in a car accident later that totaled my car. My job where I made minimum wage refused to give me more that 12-18 hours a week. I was extremely depressed and suicidal. I prayed so hard before I took my pregnancy test, that it would be positive and thank the Lord, it was!! My husband has been very understanding about everything and he understood because he saw what I went through. He's moved on but it is hard because I see him get stressed and it's easy to blame myself. Nonetheless, I do believe that there is a plan for my little one. It just had to happen to get her here. I have asked for help but I keep getting called all kinds of bad names and I'm just tired of it.)